Principal Inverstigator
Lining Arnold Ju, PhD GAICD FHEA
Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering
Australian Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 (TR35) AMP Foundation Tomorrow Maker Australian Museum Eureka Early Career Researcher The Royal Society of NSW Edgeworth David Medalist NSW Tall Poppy and Ministerial Cardiovascular Rising Star School of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering |
A/Prof Lining Arnold Ju has a successful background in fluid mechanics and biomedical engineering, earning his BSc and PhD degrees. He founded the Mechanobiology and Biomechanics Laboratory in 2020, using innovative 4M approaches to study cardiovascular diseases. He has developed biomechanical nanotools for use in medical diagnostics, including a hand-held device for predicting blood clot risk. His work has attracted the attention of industry partners, such as AXT Pty Ltd and Lumicks, for further development and market-led translation. A/Prof Ju's contributions to the field show great promise for improving patient care.